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Scope & Sequence

Read It Once Again Scope and Sequence


Read It Once Again recognizes that appropriate steps to learning require a scope and sequence that can be tailored to meet the individual needs of each child, or a particular classroom.  One size does not fit all and our flexible scope and sequence allows teachers to consistently teach foundational skills. Here are the steps to help classroom teachers create a scope and sequence that most appropriately fits the needs of their children.

  • Review our Skills and Concepts Level 1 and Level 2 Matrices
  • On the Level 1 Matrix, look at the book titles and then the first two columns referring to the number of nouns and verbs found in each storybook.  Notice that our books are listed in order according to the number of nouns and verbs found in the storybook.  For example, “Brown Bear” is the easiest with 14 nouns and 2 verbs, and “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” has the most vocabulary with 72 nouns and 70 verbs.
  • Choose storybooks based on the language ability of the students in your classroom.  Focus on the needs of the children with the lowest vocabulary levels.  If you have higher functioning children in your classroom, you can always supplement higher level fiction and nonfiction reading materials to match their language levels.  (See the “Additional Reading List” found as the last activity in the speech and language section in every Level 1 unit.)    Allow your Read It Once Again story to be the repeated book and theme. We suggest repeating a story for one month.  This is a total of nine units per typical school year.
  • Refer back to the Level 1 Matrix.  After reviewing the number of nouns and verbs, notice that the next 10 columns indicate the skills covered in each unit.  These skills are found in every story and correlate with our list of 20 Foundational Speech and Language Skills for Early Learning Success in Level 1. The next 10 columns of skills listed on the Matrix are those which are unique to the subject of the story.  Read It Once Again recommends that children have a solid knowledge of skills 1-15 of the 20 Speech and Language Foundational Skills before implementing our Level 2 units.
  • The Matrix for the Level 2 units lists the storybooks along with skills covered in each unit.  These skills correlate with the list of 20 Foundational Speech and Language Skills Necessary for Kindergarten Readiness.  When children have mastered skills from the Level 1 and Level 2 units, they will have acquired the necessary foundational skills to be successful in kindergarten.
  • Every unit includes an Implementation Checklist for Level 1 and Level 2 to help teachers navigate throughout their day indicating the basic teaching strategies and foundational skills offered with the Read It Once Again Curriculum.
  • Level 1 units also provide sample four week tiered lesson plans as a guide for teachers.  Lesson plans for all Level 1 units are found in the last tab titled Graphics/Lesson Plans/Grids.   They are also found on the CD that accompanies every unit and can be manipulated in the WORD format to meet the individual needs of each classroom.