Benefits Infants and Toddlers in Early Intervention Programs


Infants and Toddlers in Early Intervention Programs


Early Interventionists love Read It Once Again because:Teacher Working with Kids on Reading Skills

  • The units are based on popular young children’s literature.
  • Language rich activities with goals and objectives are provided in these domains: Speech and Language, Cognitive, Motor, Daily Living, and Socialization.
  • Activities provide large, simplistic visuals.
  • Multiple sets of activities with visuals can be reproduced for each family.  You never need to re-order materials.
  • All activities have a simple lesson plan page that help parents follow through with the activities during the week.
  • Read It Once Again promotes early literacy. Scholastic Literacy Partners Program provides Read It Once Again users the opportunity to purchase storybooks for children at a 43% discount. Click here to learn more.


How to use our activities with infants and toddlers:

  • Choose one storybook and literary unit as your focus.  It is most effective to repeat that story with activities for a month.
  • Create story bags to include one or more activities from that Read It Once Again unit. Story bags can be taken into the home or used in a clinical setting.
  • Read the story and demonstrate to parents how to extend the story with one or more of the activities in the story bag.
  • Send or leave the story bag with the book and activities so that the parents continue to read and practice language based activities during the week.
  • On your next session, present one or more activities to extend new concepts that pertain to the same book.
  • Repeat this practice for approximately one month using the same story.  At the end of the month, allow parents to keep the book.
  • Choose another book and unit to repeat the process.


Tips for using the Story Sequencing Cards and Mother Goose Rhymes with infants:

  • Reproduce sequencing cards from the story or Mother Goose rhyme included with every unit.
  • Encourage parents to place the cards in sequence at the child’s eye level.  If the child is being held and carried, place them at eye level on a wall.
  • Point to each sequencing picture and retell the story or rhyme as you walk and hold the infant. If the child is crawling, place them in sequence along the floor.
  • Mother Goose rhymes are especially effective if they are sung.


Look for these activities in every unit:

  • Sequencing and Storytelling cards
  • Rhymes and finger plays
  • A Mother Goose Rhyme in each unit with rebus sequencing cards
  • Color identification and matching
  • Counting
  • Gross Motor movements
  • Big and Little/ Which One is Different?/Positioning
  • Recipes
  • Parent Letters
  • Assessment Tool
  • Lesson Plans
  • Each unit will contain additional activities that relate uniquely to that story; for example some contain sign language or object identification cards.


Which units would you recommend for infants and toddlers?

Group of BooksThese books and units are selected for:

Children with emerging speech and language skills

Children who are beginning to establish basic vocabulary

Those with minimal attention spans

Children who are learning basic cognitive skills

Those who enjoy simple repetitive text

  • Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  • From Head to Toe
  • I Love You
  • Oink, Moo, How Do You Do?
  • Silly Sally
  • Goodnight Moon
  • Clap Your Hands
  • Jump, Frog, Jump!


We suggest choosing our Easy Readers/Early Intervention Digital Package #1. Digital Package 1 includes the above nine units for the price of eight.