Read It Once Again Curriculum is Successful for Children with Autism

Finally, a curriculum designed to effectively meet the needs of children with autism!
- Provides structure and predictability for students, teachers and classroom routines.
- Improves expressive language by building and repeating a vocabulary of familiar words and phrases found in each story.
- Consistently provides and repeats the basic foundational skills through activities addressed in each Level 1 unit. Click here to view our list of 20 Foundational Speech and Language Skills.
- Creatively provides the flexibility to choose or adapt activities to meet the individual needs of each student.
- Offers an assessment tool to monitor on-going progress.
- Research-based with proven results.
- 31 level 1 units, each based on popular children’s storybooks. Shop our early literacy development curriculum today.
Listen to what an Assistant Superintendent for Exceptional Children says about the Read It Once Again Curriculum.

Learn more about using Read It Once Again with children who are on the autism spectrum.
Read It Once Again curriculum units and teaching strategies are especially effective for children with autism.
Repeating stories and foundational concepts in a predictable and systematic format help those who struggle with processing receptive and using expressive language. Read It Once Again uses the power of repetition to facilitate skills necessary to organize and process language concepts. The engaging teaching strategy provides a language-rich environment where the child will gain confidence and the ability to improve both receptive and expressive language skills.
Our Level 1 activities reinforce basic foundational concepts and are consistently offered throughout every unit, in the domains of:
- Speech and Language
- Cognitive
- Gross and Fine Motor
- Daily Living
- Socialization
Read It Once Again ensures that your child will be constantly immersed in a language-rich environment.

Goals with appropriate activities are provided in each domain of every unit and designed to fulfill the requirements of the majority of Individual Educational Plans (IEPs). The consistency of providing foundational skills in every unit increases the probability of mastering IEP goals.
Most of the concepts in our activities are offered in multiple levels of difficulty. This allows teachers to work on a particular skill individually or in small group settings with children functioning at different levels. Every child has the opportunity to be successful, which promotes an “I can do” attitude. This fosters the child’s self-esteem and diminishes fear and anxiety associated with being introduced to new concepts.
Read It Once Again literary units are presented in a format which encourages teachers, therapists, and parents to easily share the content of the curriculum. The storybook, the unit, its goals, and related activities are found in each domain, and become the common factors which unite professionals to intertwine and overlap services. Therapists can easily provide push-in services in the classroom, which benefit teachers and, most importantly, the children.
How can Read It Once Again help select appropriate goals for your student’s IEPs?

Read It Once Again’s Curriculum-Based assessment is a simple way to administer a screening based on the 20 Level 1 Foundational skills that are featured in every Level 1 unit. Click here to view the 20 Foundational Speech and Language skills. For complete information about how to administer the assessment and how it relates to every Level 1 curriculum unit, watch our free training module – Read It Once Again CBA Training Module 9. Click here to watch the module.
Assessment screenings can be administered at any time to assess the progress of your student, guide instruction and help to establish appropriate IEP goals. The Curriculum-Based Assessment recording booklet can be used by teachers and therapists as an effective tool to complete your student’s progress
portfolio and provide a positive avenue to communicate with parents about their child’s IEP goals and suggestions for parent involvement. Shop our Curriculum-Based Assessment today.

Learn more about each storybook text and skills and concepts included in each unit.

Notice that the storybook titles are not listed in alphabetical order. They are listed according to the number of nouns and verbs found within each story. Verbs are more difficult for young children who are just beginning to acquire receptive and expressive language, so the books with the least number of verbs are listed at the top of the list. After identifying the number of nouns and verbs, the next set of boxes contain the most common skills that are addressed within the story. If you are working with young or nonverbal children, we suggest choosing stories and units found on the top of the matrix.
You will also want to consider the storybooks highlighted in yellow. The text in these stories often rhymes and contains short phrases that are consistently repeated throughout the story. This type of writing promotes a style of reading that engages the child and helps to increase attention span while at the same time encouraging them to experiment with their own expressive speech.
Which Units are Recommended for Young Students With Autism?

We suggest using Level 1 units for young children first entering the program to ensure that your children have solidly mastered the most basic foundational skills. Click here for more information about how to choose “Which Units are Right for My Students.” Read It Once Again offers units for 31 different storybook titles. This ensures teachers will have a three-year rotation of units so that children who stay with your program for three years do not need to repeat a story or unit.
Read It Once Again suggests units found in our money saving Digital Package #3, Rhyme, Rhythm and Repetition. All of our digital package deals offer you 9 units for the price of 8. Click here to learn about all of our package deals!
We are Striving to Prepare our Students for Kindergarten. How will Read It Once Again help your students be successful?

Read It Once Again Level 2 units concentrate on a higher level of foundational skills. Click here to see our Level 2 Speech and Language Foundational Skills.
Our Level 2 units combined with our Level 1 units ensure that young children will have a solid knowledge of foundational skills and be prepared for success in the kindergarten setting.
Our Level 2 units reinforce basic foundational concepts and are consistently offered throughout every unit, and focus on:
- Phonemic Awareness
- Higher Math Skills
- Science
- Creative Writing
- Social Studies
Level 2 units provide higher-level learning activities. Combining our original Level 1 units with our Level 2 units will provide a complete curriculum of skills and activities that will prepare children for kindergarten.
Do You Have Other Questions About How to Use
Read It Once Again with Children Who Have Autism?

Please feel free to call our toll-free number at 1-877-470-5156. Our website contains ten FREE training modules that will answer questions about our units and help you implement them most effectively with your students. Learn all about the Read It Once Again program and all the tools you will need to effectively implement the curriculum and assessment.
Contact us:
Read It Once Again
161 Sunset Drive
Inman, SC 29349
Toll Free: 877-470-5156
Phone: 864-472-5156
Fax: 864-472-2981